Doctor who helped famous dolphin has his own tale
Thanks to Dan Strzempka’s and Kevin Carroll’s ingenuity, Winter became the first dolphin to have her entire tail fluke replaced with a prosthetic device.(Photo: Hanger Clinic)FORT MYERS, Fla. — In 30 years of helping design prosthetics and rehabilitate minds and bodies, Dan Strzempka has worked with about 10,000 humans and one dolphin.Want to guess which patient has made him the most famous?Almost 10 years ago, Strzempka — who visited Fort Myers on Thursday to meet with amputees — and his colleague Kevin Carroll helped design a prosthetic tail for a young Atlantic bottlenose dolphin.In 2011, their story was made into a movie, Dolphin Tale. Dolphin Tale 2 followed last year about another dolphin named Hope, and there's a chance there could a third film or television show.The movies feature one specialist played by Morgan Freeman, but that character is based on the work of Strzempka and Carroll.Strzempka's story mirrors that of the dolphin from the first movie, named Winter. Winter would eventually lose her tail fluke when the then-3-month-old dolphin was caught in a crab trap near Cape Canaveral in December 2005. Strzempka lost his left leg at age 4 when a lawn-cutting apparatus took his leg off just above the knee. Before he blacked out, he remembered his left foot in his shoe 20 feet away."My dad almost killed the doctor because he said, 'Don't let him run, don't let him jump,'" Strzempka. "Back then, the expectations were so low and technology hadn't advanced much. But my dad said, 'He's gonna be a normal kid.'"Strzempka played tennis and soccer in high school and is a 5-handicap golfer. While he went to high school, a person who designed prosthetic casts hired him and let him work with patients and build the molds. At 19, he graduated from Florida International University and then did his residency at Shands Hospital in Gainesville.His work has taken him to more than 15 countries."I love what I do," he said. "I've said, 'I'll make it work.' That word got around."We've consulted on an elephant. You don't say no, you gotta help 'em. It's neat. It keeps us on our toes, keeps us thinking."That's exactly what happened when Carroll told him about Winter after hearing the story on National Public Radio."It was kind of a bizarre conversation because I'd only worked on humans at that point," Strzempka said.Within five weeks, the two designed a prototype tail. They received help from Navy doctors who worked with dolphins, as well as top-notch trainers and Mike Walsh, who works at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. Time was crucial because her health was worsening."We were so worried she'd kick it off, but once we put it on, she was like, 'OK, cool,'" Strzempka said. "I think she realized we were trying to help her."As the film was put together, Freeman shadowed Strzempka and Carroll and helped put on the prosthetic tail. The two also came up with a gel that protected Winter's sensitive skin and helped give the prosthesis cushioning. Today, amputees of all kinds can use the same gel.The other benefit to helping Winter is that Strzempka said dozens of amputees as well as youths with autism have visited Winter and interacted with the now-10-year-old dolphin."They leave here feeling they can conquer the world," he said.For those wondering how Winter is doing, Strzempka said, "I saw her a week ago. She's doing great."Strzempka grinned and gave a "No comment" on whether he prefers working with humans or dolphins. But he admits, it's nice having a patient that doesn't talk back.Peter DiPaolo, a licensed prosthetist and orthotist, said he has known Strzempka for nine years."He's been (upbeat) since the first day I met him," DiPaolo said. "Having Dan as a colleague definitely gives that experience of what it feels like to be an amputee."I've learned a lot from him."Vanilla Ice: Burglary arrest 'blown out of proportion'Feb 19, 2015